Conferences & Events
Competitions + Grants
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Career Center
Conferences & Events
Competitions + Grants + Awards
© 2025 Interior Design Educators Council
Tasoulla Hadjiyanni, University of Minnesota
New York School of Interior Design, New York City
Jill Pable
Felicia Dean
Felicia Dean
Jessica Bantom, Design for Identity, How to Design Authentically for a Diverse World
Darrell Nickolson
Seyeon Lee and Zoriana Dunham
Felicia Dean
Chunyao Liu
Amanda Gale
Anna Bazhaw Hyscher
Cory Olsen, University of Oregon & Linda Zimmer, University of Oregon
Mass Timber, Small Format. Squall Stool Prototype
Hannah Dewhirst, University of Kentucky
Handcraft as Instructional Methodology for Fabricating Large-Scale Textiles
Every year, IDEC recognizes exceptional contributions to interior design education with awards like the Arnold Friedmann Distinguished Educator Award, Teaching Excellence Award, Community Service Award, Book and Media Award, and Partner in Education Award, alongside other Annual Awards.