Special Issue for the Journal of Interior Design (JID)Under the auspices of the Interior Design Educators Council

The JID has a call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Interior Design. The theme is Leading by Design: Evolving Practices to Face the Challenges of our Times

Leading by Design: Evolving Practices to Face the Challenges of our Times

Climate. Health. Inequity. Can designers lead the way in solving what are known as the wicked problems facing our global community? Design thinking promotes empathy and interdisciplinary collaboration. Yet, within design practice, designers are commonly regarded as experts who provide design services for clients rather than with clients. Within conventional modes of practice, designers are rarely positioned to question the “systemic forces that reproduce inequality and marginalization” (Hadjiyanni, 2020, p. 5) or to identify solutions reflecting the “interconnectedness and inter‐dependency of social, economic, political and natural systems” (Irwin, 2015, p. 230). For this Special Issue, we ask: what models of leadership and organizational structures can best support design solutions for the complex social and environmental challenges of our time?

March 1, 2024

Registration of Interest Deadline

February 17, 2025

Full Submissions Deadline

October 2025

Final Submissions to Publisher

March 2026


Guest Editors

Laura B. Cole, Ph.D., Colorado State University
Erin M. Hamilton, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison

We welcome contributions in areas such as:

  • Novel leadership models in design education and practice that lead to sustainable and just outcomes;
  • Systems thinking and design thinking in interior design education and practice;
  • Design justice perspectives that question and provide alternative visions for the power structures within which design professionals operate;
  • Philosophies on the teaching and practice of sustainable interior design;
  • Preparing future design leaders through innovative design pedagogy in the realm of studios, professional practice, experimental coursework, and beyond; and
  • Community‐based, co‐design practices.

This Special Issue gives a home to boundary‐pushing ideas for cultivating engaged and proactive designers by evolving leadership and organizational paradigms across education and practice. We encourage perspectives that shift notions of design leadership toward community‐based, interdisciplinary, and distributed leadership models and welcome all forms of scholarship including visual essays, research manuscripts, and humanities papers.

Submissions should expand and question our conventional understandings of the topic and its complex relationships to interior space. All work must demonstrate exceptional rigor in the search for new knowledge and ideas. Papers must be original work of the author or authors and are not being considered for publication in other journals. Submissions may be checked for originality using plagiarism-detection software.


Hadjiyanni, T. (2020). Decolonizing interior design education. Journal of Interior Design, 45(2), 3‐9. https://doi.org/10.1111/joid.12170

Irwin, T. (2015). Transition design: A proposal for a new area of design practice, study, and research. Design and Culture, 7(2), 229‐246. doi: 10.1080/17547075.2015.1051829

Submission Deadlines

July 2023

Call for papers

March 1, 2024

Registration of Interest – Authors are asked to register their intent to submit a paper by sending a 150-word abstract to Laura B. Cole at Laura.Cole@colostate.edu

Please put your surname and “JID Special Issue” in the subject line. Registration of interest is not refereed, nor is it a requirement to submit. However, the acknowledgement of registration facilitates development of a proposal to full research paper by providing confirmation of fit with the special issue. Recognition of fit does not guarantee publication.

February 17, 2025

Full submissions are due. See author guidelines found on JID’s website at Sage Publications (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/IDX).

March 2026

Publication of JID Special Issue

For questions regarding the call for papers, submission deadlines, or anything related to the content of the Special Issue, contact Laura B. Cole at Laura.Cole@colostate.edu

Please put your surname and “JID Special Issue” in the subject line.

Guidelines for JID Submissions

Authors should follow the guidelines found on JID’s website at Sage Publications. Please note the unique guidelines for Articles versus Visual Essays. Perspectives and Letters are by invitation only. https://journals.sagepub.com/home/IDX

Technical questions regarding the submission of documents through the Scholar One website should be addressed to Kathleen Sullivan, Editorial Assistant (assistant.jid@gmail.com).

The Journal of Interior Design is a scholarly, refereed publication dedicated to a pluralistic exploration of the interior environment. Scholarly inquiry representing the entire spectrum of interior design theory, research, education, and practice is invited. Submissions are encouraged from educators, designers, artists, anthropologists, architects, historians, psychologists, sociologists, or others interested in interior design.

JID Award Recipients

JID Best Article

PJ Carlino Ph.D.
JID 46.1 Tied to the Desk: The Somatic Experience of Office Work, 1870–1920 (pages 27-43)


Giyoung Park Ph.D., Upali Nanda Ph.D., Lisa Adams, Jonathan Essary M.Arch., Melissa Hoelting B. Arch, HKS, USA
JID 45.1 Creating and Testing a Sensory Well-Being Hub for Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities (pages 13-32)


Stephanie Liddicoat
JID 44.2 Spirituality in Therapeutic Spaces: Perceptions of Spatiality, Trace, and Past Rituals Manifesting Present Occupation (pages 26-42)


Amy Huber
JID 43.4 Exploring Hiring Practitioner Preferences for and Assessment Practice of Prospective Candidates (pages 21-44)


Xiaobo Quan, Anjali Joseph, & Upali Nanda
JID 42.1 Developing Evidence-based Tools for Design and Evaluating Hospital Inpatient Rooms (pages 19-38)


Dianne Smith & Linda Lilly
JID 41.2 Understanding Student Perceptions of Stress in Creativity-Based Higher Education Programs: A Case Study in Interior Architecture (pages 39-55)

JID Outstanding Reviewer of the Year

PJ Carlino Ph.D.
JID 46.1 Tied to the Desk: The Somatic Experience of Office Work, 1870–1920 (pages 27-43)


Giyoung Park Ph.D., Upali Nanda Ph.D., Lisa Adams, Jonathan Essary M.Arch., Melissa Hoelting B. Arch, HKS, USA
JID 45.1 Creating and Testing a Sensory Well-Being Hub for Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities (pages 13-32)


Stephanie Liddicoat
JID 44.2 Spirituality in Therapeutic Spaces: Perceptions of Spatiality, Trace, and Past Rituals Manifesting Present Occupation (pages 26-42)


Amy Huber
JID 43.4 Exploring Hiring Practitioner Preferences for and Assessment Practice of Prospective Candidates (pages 21-44)


Xiaobo Quan, Anjali Joseph, & Upali Nanda
JID 42.1 Developing Evidence-based Tools for Design and Evaluating Hospital Inpatient Rooms (pages 19-38)


Dianne Smith & Linda Lilly
JID 41.2 Understanding Student Perceptions of Stress in Creativity-Based Higher Education Programs: A Case Study in Interior Architecture (pages 39-55)

Thank you to IDEC Sponsors and Partners