IDECF Special Projects Grant



The IDEC Foundation is pleased to announce funding for Special Projects and invites submissions by the membership. Requests – for funding up to $3,000 – will be considered that engage creative, goal-oriented activities of a defined scope and duration benefiting interior design education and/or the profession. One or two projects may be funded this year. Funded projects must produce tangible results and clearly reinforce the mission, core values, and vision of IDEC. The committee may decide to split the funds among more than two requests.


Proposal submissions require the primary participation of an IDEC professional member in good standing. Non-members, associate members, and graduate students may only submit proposals with a professional member. Current and former IDECF Board Members from the last five years are not eligible to apply. Proposals may be generated by the general membership as individuals, networks, committees and regions or by the Board of Directors. Proposals that demonstrate matching or supplemental funds will be given priority.

Previous Special Projects recipients are eligible to apply after two years have lapsed, between the ending date of one award and the beginning date of the new award – with successful completion and dissemination of their previous project results.


Option I: Research Initiatives:
This option includes research projects by individuals or teams. Research Initiatives investigate, study, and/or explore an issue using an articulated methodology, hypotheses/research questions, and a specific avenue of inquiry. Initiatives benefit the discipline through education or practice and contribute to the body of knowledge.

Option II: Activities:
Option II is for non-research projects that address and expand knowledge and understanding of an issue impacting interior design. Potential activities supported through this option include, but are not limited to symposia, meetings, speakers, workshop, etc.

In either category, funding may support outreach efforts for the following:

  • Events that bring together diverse constituencies
  • Public-service activities through a project related to health, safety and welfare
  • Contributions to the profession through education
  • Community problem solving that serves as a model demonstrating the public benefits of interior design


Representatives of each IDEC region will review applications.

Each submission will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Quality of idea and written abstract
  • Contribution to interior design education and/or the profession
  • Alignment with IDEC mission, values, and vision
  • Potential for matching or supplemental funds


This is a blind review, any abstract or budget that includes the name of the researchers or institution will be disqualified.

The special projects application requires the following:

Proposal abstract: (500-word maximum) describing the research initiative or activity

IRB Application: For research projects using human subjects, authors must include an IRB application (as required by their institution) for human subject research with this application. The IRB does not need to be approved prior to submitting.

Budget: See this Budget Template

This is a blind review, any abstract or budget that includes the name of the researchers or institution will be disqualified.

Following the review, recipients will be notified of their assigned awards during the 2024 IDEC Annual Conference. The funding shall be paid to the Grantee(s) in two equal disbursements. The initial payment, half the awarded amount, will be received after the Letter of Agreement has been signed by the appropriate parties (IDECF Executive Vice President and the grantee). Upon approval of the Interim Report, a check will be issued for the remaining funds. Please note that the review decisions are final and review sheets will not be distributed.

Following the review, recipients will be notified of their assigned awards during the 2024 IDEC Annual Conference. The funding shall be paid to the Grantee(s) in two equal disbursements. The initial payment, half the awarded amount, will be received after the Letter of Agreement has been signed by the appropriate parties (IDECF Executive Vice President and the grantee). Upon approval of the Interim Report, a check will be issued for the remaining funds. Please note that the review decisions are final and review sheets will not be distributed.


Contact the IDEC Grants Chair with any questions:

Isabella Trinidade
Rochester Institute of Technology

Thank you to IDEC Sponsors and Partners