Best Poster Presentation


The IDEC Best Poster Presentation Award acknowledges quality scholarship and presentation at the Annual Conference. The IDEC Director of Regions coordinate with the Conference Abstract Review coordinator to determine the top five abstracts accepted for presentation at conference. The five abstract presentations are then scored by selected IDEC members at the Annual Conference.


Abstracts must score among the top five abstract submissions for annual conference. Abstracts must also be presented by the author(s) at conference.

Submission Requirements

Abstracts must meet the SOTL/SODR requirements for the Annual Conference call for scholarship.


The regional chairs select individuals from each region to jury the top five abstracts to determine the best poster presentation. Poster presentations are scored using a rubric.

Past Recipients


Eiman Elgewely
Bringing VR to the Classroom: Integrating Virtual Heritage Projects as Part of the History of Interiors Curriculum 


Hebatalla Nazmy, Paulette Hebert and Aditya Jayadas
Indoor Air Quality Activity in Interior Design Education


Corrie Ostrander and Steven Webber,
Interior Design in State Mental Health Facilities: How Interior Design Elements Can Impact Patient Wellbeing,


Miyoung Hong, Ashlynn Engelhard, and Annie Mimick
New Evidence Educates Future Informal Learning Environments


Melissa Brown,
Interior Design Elements in the Treatment of Patients Experiencing Psychosis from Schizophrenia


Caroline Matteson,
Music as a Mediator: Designing a Public Music Library,


Laura Morthland,
Design-Build: A Campus Mother’s Room


Jessica Walton,
Design Thinking: Providing Opportunity for Underserved Communities with the Design Discipline


Ryadi Adityavarman, Kansas State University
Teaching Freehand Analytical Drawing: Strategy and Pedagogy based on Polanyian Philosophy of Knowledge for Millennia Design Students

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