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Conferences & Events
Competitions + Grants + Awards
© 2025 Interior Design Educators Council
Please make sure to read all the information below before submitting
The Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) invites educators and practitioners from around the globe to submit abstracts that explore and celebrate all facets of interior design, its teaching, and scholarship, including history, theory, practice, interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as diversity, equity & inclusion, social & environmental stewardship, international interior design education & practice or other topic/s of current and/or continuing relevance. Authors are invited to submit creative and/or scholarly abstracts that engage various modes of inquiry. However, all submissions are expected to contain original scholarship or ideas which have not been previously presented at scholarly venues, including regional and previous IDEC conferences. Abstracts are blind reviewed by qualified reviewers who score submissions to determine presentations for the IDEC 2024 Annual Conference to be held in New York on March 6 – 9, 2024.
IDEC 2024 Annual Conference held in New York City, NY.
Deadline for authors to confirm intent to present.
Schedule of Presentations provided to authors.
Early Bird Conference Registration ends
December 1, 2023: Deadline for authors to confirm intent to present.
January 15, 2024: Schedule of Presentations provided to authors.
February 11, 2024: Early Bird Conference Registration ends
March 6 – 9, 2024: IDEC 2024 Annual Conference held in New York City, NY.
All abstracts submitted for review must be identified by at least one of the categories outlined below: Creative Scholarship, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), Scholarship of Design Research (SODR), or Scholarship of Design Practice (SODP).
An Creative Scholarship submission of any format must include an appendix (Please refer to submission requirements below for appendix requirements).
This category explores the entire spectrum of design. Submissions can be conceptual in character and/or completed. Conceptual works can range from diagrammatic visual explorations of a theoretical design idea to illustrative design works.
This category seeks works of art, furniture, lighting, textile design, or product design, either created as individual pieces or composed as a series consisting of multiple parts. Works may be produced in any media, including but not limited to all traditionally based mediums, as well as digital, multimedia, or installation.
Projects in this category explore the entire spectrum of built or fabricated design. Submissions should be built work including commercial, residential, entertainment, institutional, hospitality design, temporary interiors, or design build projects by students. These will specifically consider an exploration or design intimately related to the interior built environment. Submissions in this category should demonstrate innovation, and should be rooted in theoretical, or contextual framing as evident in the statement.
Note: To assure a blind review, please take careful attention that submissions (abstract, appendix, files, and file names) must NOT include author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation(s), course number(s), or other forms of identification in the image or file names (including photographs, curriculum vitae, or assignments in the appendix). Entries that do not adhere to this guideline will be disqualified.
abstracts delve into the dynamic interplay between theory and practice within the field of interior design. This platform welcomes both educators and practitioners to submit case studies or firm-based research that encapsulate the driving forces, context, and objectives of their design projects or material research and development. Emphasizing the significance of these endeavors, the abstracts should aim to summarize the most pertinent issues, challenges, or dilemmas encountered throughout the process. It should share the paths explored, offer relevant frameworks, data, analysis, insights, and findings, and propose knowledge that can be applied in various contexts. An SODP of any format must include an appendix (Please refer to submission requirements below for appendix requirements).
abstracts delve into the dynamic interplay between theory and practice within the field of interior design. This platform welcomes both educators and practitioners to submit case studies or firm-based research that encapsulate the driving forces, context, and objectives of their design projects or material research and development. Emphasizing the significance of these endeavors, the abstracts should aim to summarize the most pertinent issues, challenges, or dilemmas encountered throughout the process. It should share the paths explored, offer relevant frameworks, data, analysis, insights, and findings, and propose knowledge that can be applied in various contexts. An SODP of any format must include an appendix (Please refer to submission requirements below for appendix requirements).
abstracts delve into the dynamic interplay between theory and practice within the field of interior design. This platform welcomes both educators and practitioners to submit case studies or firm-based research that encapsulate the driving forces, context, and objectives of their design projects or material research and development. Emphasizing the significance of these endeavors, the abstracts should aim to summarize the most pertinent issues, challenges, or dilemmas encountered throughout the process. It should share the paths explored, offer relevant frameworks, data, analysis, insights, and findings, and propose knowledge that can be applied in various contexts. An SODP of any format must include an appendix (Please refer to submission requirements below for appendix requirements).
All abstracts submitted for review must align with one of the formats described below.
Each presentation format has unique characteristics that support particular types of information or processes. It is encouraged that these characteristics be considered when preparing abstracts for review.
Please Note: Creative Scholarship, may only be submitted within the Presentation or Poster formats.
provide an opportunity for formal presentation of scholarly work. This format is best suited for scholarship that has reached conclusions and/or implications that can be shared and that can elicit questions and comments. Presentations are 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. When preparing a presentation please plan for and leave time for the Q and A session. See rubrics for evaluation criteria. Presentations that are not recommended for acceptance may be considered for acceptance in the poster category.
encourage open discussion and opinions. Up to two moderators may submit the abstract proposal and invite up to five additional participants. No panelist names should appear in the abstract though their names should be listed as co-presenters at the time of submission (this facilitates conflict-free scheduling). The topic proposed in the abstract should be one that would benefit from diverse opinions and open discussion. Panel presentations are 60 minutes in length. Typically, panelists make their presentations in the first 40 minutes, then allow for 20 minutes of discussion with attendees. See rubrics for evaluation criteria.
Posters utilize a graphic format intended to foster one-on-one dialogue between the presenter and conference attendees. This category is optimal for scholarship that is preliminary, ongoing, or will benefit from informal presentation and discussion. Abstracts submitted in this category must include a description of/or information concerning the graphic presentation being proposed (medium, format, etc.). The poster must be 36” H X 42” W. Posters will be presented in an open forum at a designated time(s) during the conference. At least one presenter must be present during the designated time slot. Therefore, only one poster submission per person will be accepted. See rubrics for evaluation criteria. Any abstract submitted in the poster category (SOTL, SODR, SODP, or Creative Scholarship) must have an appendix.
Presenters are encouraged to submit projects, assignments or other planned learning activities, developed and facilitated by an Interior Design educator, that advance creativity and effectiveness in teaching and learning in Interior Design. Accepted proposals will showcase innovative teaching methods and include examples of student work. Presentations are expected to be highly interactive between the presenter and participants. A combination of digital and hard copy media is encouraged. Presenters should anticipate that participants will be attending the presentations with the intent of using the assignment/project in one of their courses. Presenters should organize the presentation to make this adoption process as easy as possible. Each TL in the Round session is one hour long and features 3 presenters who will facilitate three (3) 20-minute presentations and discussions. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in each of the three presentations. Abstract description of innovative teaching method or practice should clearly define how it applies to interior design education and provide a description of how the presenter will engage attendees.
Appendices are required for all Teaching and Learning in the Round abstract submissions. Any Teaching and Learning in the Round submission without an appendix will be disqualified and will not be reviewed.
20|20 is a presentation format in which speakers share ideas in 20 slides, each of which advances automatically after 20 seconds (total of 6 min and 40 sec), usually seen in a multi-speaker event (5 – 10) coupled with beverages and light food. The 20-20 @ IDEC focuses on critical problems that interior design educators face and their creative teaching ideas, processes, and outcomes they used to address those problems. The work is presented through a series of images (with only a little text, if any) while the presenter speaks about the work. To support the diversity of presentations offered at the conference, authors serving in the role of primary or lead contributors are limited to two (2) proposals. Presenters serving as co-author are not limited in their number of proposals.
Originally called Pecha Kucha, this 20 x 20 format was created by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham Architecture to showcase creative design work through quick informative presentations.
Note: 20|20 presentations are intended to share classroom experiences, spark ideas, and conversation. They are not considered IDEC Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as these presentations do not necessarily assess outcomes of teaching. Those submitting proposals should consult their institution’s guidelines for citation and relevance to tenure & promotion.
Graduate students are encouraged to submit within the poster category. However graduate students may submit individually or participate with a sponsoring faculty member in any of the above formats. Graduate students will identify their status on the online submission form.
Note: Each non-member student submitting as the lead author must upload documentation to prove status as a current student.
Documentation can be either:
Scholarship and 20|20 submissions must be original work of the author or authors. Existing precedent work of the author and/or of others that directly influenced the scholarship should be cited in the submission. Scholarship previously published or presented must be significantly built upon for consideration. Submissions found in violation of this policy will be disqualified from review (e.g., the same content accepted to the regional Conference, submitted to the Annual Conference).
Entries that do not adhere to all submission guidelines will be disqualified and will not be reviewed. To assure a blind review, submissions (abstracts, appendix, files, and file names) must NOT include author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation(s), course number(s), or other forms of identification in the image or file names (including photographs, curriculum vitae, or assignments in the appendix). Entries that do not adhere to this guideline will be disqualified.
All submissions must be made using the online submission portal, which will provide further instructions regarding contact information, how to submit an abstract, and other relevant information. Only abstracts submitted through the online process will be accepted for review. Duplicate submissions to multiple presentation formats (e.g., the same abstract submitted to the poster and presentation category; the same abstract submitted to the Creative Scholarship and SOTL category, etc.), another conference or venue (including IDEC regional conference), and abstracts that have been published or presented previously are not allowed and will not be accepted for review.
All abstract submissions must include the following:
Creative Scholarship, Scholarship of Design Research (SODR), Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), Scholarship of Design Practice (SODP), Teaching and Learning in the Round or 20|20.
Presentation, Poster, Panel, Teaching and Learning in the Round or 20|20
(Maximum 120 characters. including spaces)
At least one reference is required for all SOTL, SODR, SODP, and CS formats, but authors may include up to five (maximum) references. Authors may utilize APA, MLA, Chicago Style, or any nationally recognized format that best represents the author’s style of scholarship. References for 20|20 are optional.
The following information is required for all submission categories and formats but is not included in the blind review process.
Author(s): Use the online submission form to list author(s) and institution(s) in order. All panel, presentation, and poster primary authors and co-authors must be listed to facilitate accuracy in scheduling presentations.
Summary: A brief summary of the submission which will be published in the conference brochure exactly as submitted. Maximum 270 characters, including spaces.
Author bio and photo: The primary author must include a bio (Maximum 270 characters, including spaces) and headshot.
The submission portal will ask the author to verify the following before submitting an abstract for review:
Submission/s requiring payment can be made online through the submission portal. Only payment by credit card is permitted. Submission fees are nonrefundable. Rates are as follows:
Submission/s requiring payment can be made online through the submission portal. Only payment by credit card is permitted. Submission fees are nonrefundable. Rates are as follows:
IDEC members: a maximum of 2 submissions across any presentation format or category as first author are free to IDEC members. Members must supply a membership number.
Non-members or additional submissions for IDEC members: $50.00 for each submission.
Non-member Students: $15.00 for each submission
Every effort will be made to avoid conflict in presentation times when the conference schedule is created. The inclusion of co-author/co-presenter and panelist names is necessary at the time of submission, even if their attendance has not yet been confirmed. Once the schedule is set, changes are not possible due to the pairing of paper topics and the many demands of conference scheduling. We appreciate your understanding.
All submissions accepted and presented at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings. The abstract and appendix submitted for the review process will be printed in the proceedings following the conference. There will be no opportunity for additional edits. Those who do not present at the conference will not be included in the conference proceedings.
For technical questions or difficulties submitting your abstract, contact
For SOTL, SODR or SODP abstract content questions, please contact the conference Abstract Review Coordinator and/or Scholarship Coordinator.
Please copy all below on correspondence:
IDEC Abstract Review Coordinator
Roxann O’Rourke, Professor
Dallas College
IDEC Scholarship Collaborative Coordinator
Tina Patel, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
For Creative Scholarship content questions, please contact the Creative Scholarship Coordinator:
Andrea Sosa Fontaine, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
For content questions on 20|20 or Teaching and Learning in the Round submissions, please contact the Director of the Teaching Collaborative:
IDEC Teaching Collaborative Director
Seyeon Lee
Director of Teaching