
White Paper, Position Statement, and Resolution Definitions and Process



IDEC has continued its core of grassroots involvement through its extensive array of opportunities for volunteers to be integral to the activities, shaping, and leadership at various levels of the IDEC organization, including those at the Regional level. Opportunities throughout the organization are represented by Networks, Committees, Collaboratives, and the Board of Directors. Service opportunities are advertised through the newsletter and email. Due to the wide array of activities and implications of various actions, to bring a motion forward for an IDEC Membership Vote, the initiator of the motion should take the following steps:

  1. Identify the Network, Committee, or Collaborative it most closely aligns with; bringing the motion to that entity. Some motions may defy alliance with any particular existing group, when that is the case, the motion should be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer who will either put the motion forward to the Board of Directors or inform the member of the appropriate organizational element to put it to.
  2. That entity will examine the implications of the motion on the existing initiatives and priorities of IDEC and will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for adoption or denial of the motion moving forward to the entire membership for a vote.
  3. The Secretary of the Board of Directors will put the motion and related information brought forward by the entity on the next available Board of Directors meeting, not longer than two months away.The motion must include:
    1. A clear and succinct statement of the “issue” to be addressed.
    2. A rationale of why this is an important issue for the membership of IDEC.
    3. Impact of the motion on IDEC if passed.
    4. Name and contact information of the person making the motion.
    5. Name and contact information of the person seconding the motion.

Strategic Initiatives Grants

The Strategic Initiatives Grants (SIGs) are intended to assist in the advancement of IDEC’s mission. The SIGs do not fall under the purview of the Grants and Awards Board. All aspects of the SIG are handled by the Board of Directors with the assistance of the Collaborative Coordinators. The Strategic Plan will be announced by the board following the Board of Directors meeting at the annual conference. The amount of funding each year is determined by the Board of Directors at the summer meeting in conjunction with the planning of the annual budget. While a formal timeline is presented in the interest of efficiency, the Board may, at its discretion, utilize these funds for other strategic initiatives that do not follow the Strategic Initiatives Grant process, after the SIGs have been awarded and assuming funds remain.

  • Submissions are evaluated based on their ability to advance the Strategic Plan of IDEC.
    Submissions that address the specific initiatives noted in the Strategic Plan will be given priority
  • Quality of written proposal. Description of the project, purpose, rationale, background, and outcomes are clearly presented
  • The budget is appropriate to accomplish the outcomes
  • Adherence to budget restrictions
  • The method is appropriate to achieve the desired outcome
  • The timeline is realistic
  • The investigator shows evidence of the ability to conduct the project. Letters of reference are included where appropriate

See Master Calendar

White Paper, Position Statement, and Resolution Definitions and Process


An IDEC White Paper is an authoritative report that helps inform an issue or solve a problem. White papers are used to educate members and help them and the IDEC Board make decisions about relevant issues. The IDEC Board can request white papers be developed to inform policy or decision-making with expert opinions or relevant research. The white paper is not developed as a position on a topic or issue, however, an IDEC resolution, which is a position, may be one of the outcomes of a white paper. A resolution is a policy and is accompanied by a position statement that provides intellectual support for the policy.

  1. The request for an IDEC white paper can come from the Board, a work group (e.g., committee, task force, etc.), or individual members. Such a request must be submitted to the IDEC Board of Directors as a written request with the purpose, rationale, and potential outcomes fully discussed. The Board will consider the relevancy of the request and the resources involved and determine the potential outcome of such a white paper. If the Board agrees that an official IDEC White Paper be developed, a Call for White Paper Task Force members will be issued; the purpose, nature, and potential outcomes of the white paper will be stated in the call.
  2. Once the white paper is completed by the task force, it will be reviewed by three reviewers for technical accuracy and scholarly value. At least one of these reviewers must be a sitting member of the IDEC Board of Directors at the time the white paper was proposed. One reviewer must include an IDEC member-at-large, and the third can be drawn from the IDEC membership or be another informed person. Two of the three reviewers must agree that it is ready for IDEC member review or needs minor or major revision by the Task Force. If minor or major revision is required, the Task Force will complete the revision and return it to the reviewers who will make the final judgment on its readiness for dissemination to the members.
  3. Once the white paper is ready for dissemination, it will be placed on the IDEC Web site with appropriate announcements made to the members regarding its availability, the intended use of the white paper, and their role in review and comment.
  4. It will be available for review and comment by members for 60 days. Members may respond in many different ways, e.g., email to IDEC Board, respond in the newsletter, blog, listserve, opposing paper, etc. If there are formal suggestions for revision, these will be referred to the Task Force and the three reviewers for consideration of potential inclusion. If significant revision occurs to the white paper, it may need to be made available for review and comment by members for an additional 60 day period.
  5. After the comment period and revisions, the final white paper will be submitted to the IDEC Board of Directors for their acceptance.
  6. If accepted, the white paper will be housed indefinitely on the IDEC Web site. If not accepted by the IDEC Board, the white paper can be returned to the Task Force for revision or redevelopment or deferred from any IDEC action. If not accepted, the Task Force will be thanked for their efforts and disbanded. There is nothing to stop Task Force members from continuing to develop a written work; however, it will not be an IDEC White Paper.
  7. If appropriate, once a white paper is accepted, the IDEC Board can develop a resolution about the issue based on the white paper findings. The resolution is generally less than 100 words and is a statement of IDEC policy. A position statement must accompany the resolution and is an essay that supports the resolution or policy. It is generally less than 500 words and is written by the IDEC Board members. The position paper includes the purpose, rationale, and summary of documentation that supports the Board’s decision. The resolution and position statement must be approved by the Board.
  8. Alternatively, a resolution and its position statement can be generated by individual members, work groups, or the Board. They do not need to only flow from a white paper. They will then follow the same procedure outlined in the next steps.
  9. Once a resolution and its position statement are approved by the Board, they will be available for review and comment by members for 60 days and follow the above procedures as the white paper.
  10. Once ready for vote, the resolution/statement will be disseminated to the membership for approval. Once approved by a majority of the membership, the resolution becomes IDEC policy.
Descriptions and Protocol
White Paper
Position Statement
Full Paper
500 Words or less
100 words or less
Biased/Supports one position
Origin of Request
Work Group (i.e., task force, committee, etc.)
Board of Directors
Task Force
Board of Directors
Three (1 IDEC Member, 1 BOD Member, 1 IDEC member or non-member)
All BOD members
Membership Review/Comment
60 Days
60 Days Post Major Revision
Final Acceptance/Adoption
Board of Directors
Member Vote

Procedures for accepting motions was adopted and approved by unanimous board vote February 25, 2015.

Procedures and definitions for White Paper, Position Statement, and Resolutions was approved at the Board Meeting November 30, 2011.

Thank you to IDEC Sponsors and Partners