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© 2025 Interior Design Educators Council
Fellow status honors an IDEC member who had made outstanding contributions to IDEC and to the interior design profession. The intent is to recognize an IDEC member who has demonstrated 1) sustained and significant participation in the organization via its many leadership/service opportunities, and 2) ongoing and valuable contributions to interior design education such as the advancement of the body of knowledge, advocacy of interior design and/or education, or the advancement and/or development of any organizations that support interior design education (e.g., CIDA, CIDQ). Deliberation of these criteria for elevation to Fellow must be considered, but they need not be equal in magnitude.
Any professional member of IDEC may nominate a professional member for Fellow status in IDEC. In any given year, one or several fellowships can be awarded, as well as no fellowship.
We look forward to receiving your nominations.
Any professional IDEC member may initiate the Fellow nomination process. This is a confidential process and the nominees should not be informed that they are being considered for Fellow. The first step is to complete the Phase 1 electronic form (when open) identifying the nominee, including a letter from the nominator stating why the individual should be considered for fellow, and the nominee’s full vita. It is important that the nominator’s letter makes a clear and convincing case as to how the nominee meets the stated criteria.
Phase 1 will be submitted to the chair of the Council of Fellows (CoF) who will review the nominees and then select a committee of five IDEC Fellows with no conflicts of interest. That committee will determine whether the nominee(s) should advance to Phase 2. All discussions are confidential. The nominator will be notified of the committee’s decision.
Once the CoF determines a nominee is ready to move to Phase 2, the nominator is responsible for:
Notification of applicants moving forward by November 1
Voting will end on or about December 31
All completed Phase 2 submissions that meet the deadline will be made available to all members of the Council of Fellows for review. All Fellows will have an opportunity to cast their votes through an online system.
Those who are elected into the Council of Fellows are recognized at the Annual Conference Awards Ceremony.